Here's a list of selected resources that has been carefully curated through verified sources. The list covers information about the virus, a live tracker for india, prevention + measures to take in case of symptoms, testing centres for india & more:
About the virus
Steps to take in case of symptoms
Step 1 :initial screening, Nose and throat swab if needed, at the designated hospitals for each city. Hospitals that do the initial screening, are listed further on in this document. The hospital that collected the sample will call only the patients (as per the number provided at the time of sample collection) whose reports come out positive, they do not call to inform if the reports are negative for COViD-19. The patient/attendant can call the hospital with the hospital number to know the reports, anytime from 40-72 hours, from the time the samples were collected.
Step 2: Self-quarantine at home while you wait for results as the incubation period for this is 14 days. Continue, if symptoms persist for a month and stay away from all public places, contact with family too, only from a distance of 3 feet. Please refer to the guidelines for self-quarantine in the Resources section
Step 3: No need to keep the helpline informed of your health – if the test is positive they will find you and isolate you in one of the designated hospitals.
Step 4: Designated hospitals with the isolation wards will admit and follow standard protocol on treatment and way forward.
Symptoms to look out for :
Persistent headaches, throat infection, high fever that keeps coming back despite medication
Getting Tested
1. When to get Tested for CoronaVirus
2. List of Covid-19 Testing Laboratories

Government Helplines:
1. Central Helpline Number for corona-virus : +91-11-23978046
2. Helpline Number for States and Union Territories
Coronavirus management at workplace
1.Matrix Moments: Covid-19 & its implications on startup india (Podcast on implications of Covid-19 on the startup ecosystem)
2. A CEO Plan for Coronavirus (Bain & Company guide for CEOs during Coronavirus - actions to take now)
3. Lead your business through Coronavirus (Harvard Business Review article on twelve suggestions on how to respond to the unfolding situation)
4. Proactive Steps for Employers to Take in COViD-19 Outbreak (Key steps for employers to implement or consider implementing)
5. COViD-19: implications for Business (McKinsey report on the implications of COViD-19 for businesses)
6. People Priorities in Response to COViD-19 (BCG report on suggested responses for seven key people topics in the context of the CoronaVirus spread)
7. COViD-19 Rapid Response Checklist (Latest version of an evolving document issued by BCG report on checklists for business leaders)
8. WHO guide to getting your workplace ready for CoronaVirus (Key considerations to help prevent or limit the spread of COViD-19)
9. HAVAS Group report on CoronaVirus Market Update in China (A report that discusses the current situation in China and the impact of the CoronaVirus on the economy over the next few months)
10.Tapchief Guide to Remote Working in india (A guide that could help your team cope with the challenges of working remotely)
Additional reading material
1. Why outbreaks like Coronavirus spread exponentially & how to flatten the curve?
2. Twitter thread by italian citizens
3. CoronaVirus: The Black Swan of 2020 (Sequoia)
4. Covid-19 Response Checklist (BCG)
5. Why an overreaction is the only reaction for Fintechs
Designated Hospitals that do the COViD-19 screening and tests (list attached below, source: ET)
1) Bangalore
SDS Tuberculosis Centre & Rajiv Gandhi institute of Chest Diseases
Someshwaranagara 1st Main Road, Dharmaram College Post, Near NiMHANS, Bangalore-29.
COViD-19 HelpDesk No:- 080-26088682 (this is the direct phone number for the coronavirus isolation ward at this hospital)
+91 80 26088500
Map :
Victoria Hospital
Fort Rd, near City Market, New Tharagupet, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560002
+91 80 26701150
Map :
Collection Centre : Manipal Hospital
98, HAL Old Airport Rd, Kodihalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560017
Tel : 080 2222 1111
2) Delhi
AiiMS india institute of Medical Science
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110029
Board Number : +91-11-26588500 / 26588700
National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi
Address: 22, Sham Nath Marg, Civil Lines, New Delhi,
Delhi 110054
Phone: 011 2391 3148
3) Mumbai
Kasturba Hospital for infectious Diseases, Mumbai
Sane Guruji Marg, Arya Nagar, Chinchpokli, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400034
Dr. Jayanthi Shastri
Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital
Acharya Donde Marg, Parel
Mumbai – 400012.
indiaPhone 91-22-2410 7000 Fax: 91-22-2414 3435
Dr. Nayana ingole,
Ph: 9821471788
4) Chennai
King institute of Preventive Medicine and Research, Chennai
Tamil Nadu Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032
Telephone : 044 2250 1520
Dr. K. Kaveri,
Mob: 988485519
List of test-centres in other states:

Legal Disclaimer: All information forming part of this document has been collated from independently verifiable / reputable sources , including the official website of the World Health Organization ( however, Matrix assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein and for updation of information, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions in reporting or explanation. The information in this presentation is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and we encourage all stakeholders to confirm the same with other credible sources and review all information regarding any medical condition with the appropriate Healthcare providers