In a world where technology has transformed and completely converged with the workplace environment, how has this impacted our most valuable asset, Talent?Matrix in collaboration with Belong, hosted an event on “Talentinthe Era of DigitalDisruption”.Wesaw participation from industry stalwarts from companies such asFlipkart,Mindtree, Morgan Stanley,AccentureandIBM among others.
“Whether one is hiring internally or looking to invest in a startup, the people or founding team is the single most critical factor we evaluate. As a “foundersfirst!” firm we believe that a company’s success is directly linked with the quality of talent.”, saidTarunDavda, Managing Director, Matrix India.
The key focus of the evening was to learn about whyhiring the right talent is now the most critical differentiator in each of their respective organisations, and how a talent-focused strategy is the only way to maintain a competitive advantage.