Avnish Bajaj of Matrix Partners india on how he picks winners and what it takes to be one
Founder and managing director of one of india's most well known Venture Capital l firms, Matrix Partners india, Avnish Bajaj has a knack for picking winners. it’s not luck it’s an ability he hones through intense research and also by studying human nature and decision making.
So, how does he pick a winner? What are the traits he looks for in entrepreneurs? Avnish talks about all that on this episode of The Uppercase Podcast.
But, that’s not all. Avnish has also been on the other side of the table – as an internet entrepreneur. He launched ecommerce marketplace Baazee, india's answer to eBay, in 2000 – the year that saw the dotcom bubble burst – and sold it to eBay four years later for $50 million. it’s no wonder that downturns don’t worry Avnish. ‘When businesses start in downturns, they are built the right way,’ you’ll hear him say in this episode, and he also explains how that works. it’s just one of many useful messages hopeful and budding entrepreneurs will find in this episode. So, if you’re wondering if you’re on the right track with your product/startup idea, and what you can do to grow a successful business, turn up the volume, sit back and listen.
You’ll learn a little about business and a lot about life: how to frame your perspective, how to enjoy deeper, more meaningful experiences and connections and make the time for the things that matter most, what books to read to guide you along, and how to fend off that dreaded FOMO that makes us all do all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons.